# ########################################## # https://osp4diss.vlsm.org/ETC/logCodes.txt # ########################################## # # Log Format # ZCZC WEEK# MINUTES LogCode Description # LogCode + Description List ZCZC W00 20 L00 Reading and set-up W00 github ZCZC W00 70 L10 Reading and taking note on Operating System Concepts, 10th Edition, 2018 (pages 1-39) ZCZC W00 70 L05 Reading and taking note on PPT Week 0 (all pages) ZCZC W00 20 L32 Watching youtube "The mind behind Linux | Linus Torvalds" ZCZC W00 200 L70 Exploring data science ZCZC W01 240 L70 Exploring data science ZCZC W01 45 L11 Trying and fixing Debian on WSL, still doesn't work ZCZC W01 120 L11 Trying and understanding week 1 assignment ZCZC W01 20 L11 Trying ssh ssh-key, experimenting copying .ssh from root to user but doesn't work ZCZC W01 84 L11 Done quiz, assignment, and adding links ZCZC W01 60 L11 Watching reading assignment 'The Complete Linux Course: Beginner to Power User!' ZCZC W01 30 L11 Continuing watching 'The Complete Linux Course: Beginner to Power User!' ZCZC W01 10 L32 Watching 'Network Ports Explained' introducing netstat command ZCZC W01 73 L70 Doing Platform Based Programming Assignment ZCZC W01 60 L22 Trying, studying, and taking note of netstat command ZCZC W01 60 L22 Watching 'Port Forwarding Explained' youtube video ZCZC W01 20 L22 Watching 'SSH Tunneling - Local & Remote Port Forwarding' youtube video ZCZC W02 8 L22 Watching 'What is a Firewall?' youtube video ZCZC W02 15 L22 Watching 'Linux Firewall Tutorial | How to Configure Firewall Rules with UFW' youtube video ZCZC W02 20 L12 Understanding GPG implementation encryption ZCZC W02 30 L22 Wondering why it only need 16 last bit, what are the purpose of the others ZCZC W02 13 L22 Watching 'Basic File Encryption with GPG key pairs!' ZCZC W02 4 L22 Watching 'How to encrypt files on Linux via terminal using GPG' youtube video ZCZC W02 120 L22 Following assignment, updating and pushing to github ZCZC W02 50 L22 Watching 'Bash Scripting Tutorial for Beginners' youtube video ZCZC W02 80 L22 Learning and solving bash problems in hackerrank ZCZC W02 30 L22 Doing Scele Scrap ZCZC W03 180 L13 Doing, fixing, and understanding assignment ZCZC W03 18 L13 Watching "Linux File System/Structure Explained!" youtube video ZCZC W03 20 L13 Watching "mounting and unmounting disks/partitions - Linux Command Line tutorial for forensics - 15" youtube video ZCZC W04 20 L32 Watching "Linux Crash Course - Understanding Memory and Swap Usage" ZCZC W04 8 L32 Watching "Processes in Linux/Unix" ZCZC W04 5 L32 Watching "Kill command in Linux with examples | How to Use Linux Kill Command" ZCZC W04 60 L14 Doing assignment 4 ZCZC W05 40 L32 Watching "Introduction to Linux Memory Management" ZCZC W05 103 L15 Doing assignment 5 ZCZC W05 60 L15 Finishing Pop Quiz on assignment 5 ZCZC W06 200 L02 CLASSROOM related ZCZC W06 120 L16 Assignment #06 ZCZC W06 30 L05 Doing POP QUIZ ZCZC W06 90 L05 Studying Quiz ZCZC W06 30 L05 Quiz related including studying ZCZC W06 10 L03 Git github configuration ZCZC W06 40 L32 Searching and watching youtube material ZCZC W07 200 L02 CLASSROOM related ZCZC W07 120 L17 Assignment #07 ZCZC W07 30 L05 Doing POP QUIZ ZCZC W07 90 L05 Studying Quiz ZCZC W07 30 L05 Quiz related including studying ZCZC W07 10 L03 Git github configuration ZCZC W07 40 L32 Searching and watching youtube material ZCZC W08 200 L02 CLASSROOM related ZCZC W08 120 L18 Assignment #08 ZCZC W08 30 L05 Doing POP QUIZ ZCZC W08 90 L05 Studying Quiz ZCZC W08 30 L05 Quiz related including studying ZCZC W08 10 L03 Git github configuration ZCZC W08 40 L32 Searching and watching youtube material