NVIDIA, Open Source Obstacles
LONG LIVE OPEN SOURCE!. Calming YouTube videos to promote awareness and support for open-source products and increase community involvement. One of the challenges within the open-source community.
10 minutes video explaining A LOT about how networking does. What is the purpose of port number, what number assign for what purpose and how to check them in terminal.
10 minutes video explaining what and how port forwarding in a clear way. But it doesn’t show the implementation.
18 minutes video explaining SSH Tunneling. Explained in a visual way making it easy to understand. Include shell implementation. Best video about SSH Tunneling.
Firewall explained in a visual way. Easy to understand in a short period of time.
[Linux Firewall Tutorial | How to Configure Firewall Rules with UFW](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtRXm4FFK7Q) |
Firewall configuration explain in a practical way. Well explained in a short period of time.
Curl implementation explain. Provice curl basic flag, usage and website for testing.
GPG implementation shell explained in a 8 minutes video. Explained straightforwardly.
Bash Scripting explained slowly, 50 minutes long video. You will have ability to write basic variable, arguments, comparison, conditional, arrays, loops, function, awk and set. The video explaining about the basic stuff, still hard to understand complex bash that cbkadal write.
Explain moount in a practival way. Provide information on how to use the command line environment in a Unix/Linux system to accomplish tasks such as imaging, and and archiving. Going through some option available in mount. Also explain df
and du
Linux File System explain a lot. Explain /bin /sbin /boot /cdrom /dev /etc /lib /lib32 /lib64 /mnt /media /opt /proc /root /run /snap/srv /sys /tmp /usr /var and /home in a simple and productive way.
20 minutes video explaining memory management scheme and implementation in linux. Mainly explaining free and swap.
Short 8 minutes video explaining pid and seeing user who run the process.
[Kill command in Linux with examples | How to Use Linux Kill Command](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Lqai0oSpNU) |
short 5 minutes video explaining the implementation of kill command to kill process in linux.
40 minutes video explaining theory of memory management in linux.
Recording Week07: Process & Cnncurrency The youtube video to help learn further about Process & Cnncurrency.
How does KERNEL memory allocation work? Source Dive 004 Understanding how physical memory of the system is tracked, distributed, and returned to the kernel. A fascinatingly simple algorithm, which can be paradoxically kind of hard to understand!
Video playlist mengenai bagaimana cara build linux from Scratch
Artikel penjelasan mengenai LFS menggunakan VirtualBox